Monday, July 28, 2014

Back... At last! :)

It's been a long, long time since anything current has been posted here, due to the busyness of this blog author! Last session (the 5th one) literally "flew" by and there is far too much to write about, but I'll try to give you a brief overview of what happened through the pictures.

Enthusiastic student lecturing on nutrition at the health expo held before the seminar at the Quezon City Memorial Circle.

Happy children doing their crafts in the children's program.

This seminar was a unique one from the aspect that Dad and Michael team-preached the sermons with both being on stage at the same time. People really enjoyed it!

Interested listeners.

PAFCOE students providing special music.

View from the back - it was an outdoor venue, but praise the Lord, it never rained during the evening presentations!

Children's program.

Putting away the chairs after every night's program and getting them out again the next day was a lot of work, but there were plenty of helping hands! :)

Group prayer with the students and staff before the meeting each evening.

A happy little friend who loves to hug me! :)

Baptismal candidates! Praise God!

Practicing their sermons in preparation for their own evangelistic meetings (called OJT - On the Job Training for the month of April 2014).

More posts coming soon!