Monday, December 17, 2012

Meetings, baptisms, classes and fun in Iloilo!

After the seminar in Barrio Obrero ended, a lot went on graduation on December 10.  We had a special PAFCOE baptism where some of our students were baptized or rebaptized in.  The district Pastor was the one who officiated. Below are a couple of them.
 During this time we were preparing around 50,000 crafts for the students' OJT time. It was a huge project, but praise God, we got it all done (thanks to our hard-working students!).  Below are the students working hard on cutting and counting crafts.
But life at PAFCOE is not just all classes, homework, preparing crafts and helping out in evangelistic meetings. There is time for some fun - cooking at the Hargreaves' house! This was a favorite activity for the students where they came and cooked an American meal at our home and enjoyed eating it afterwards!


Randy and Richard Steffens and their family came to Iloilo for a few weeks and did 2 evangelistic meetings, which the students and us participated in.  Below are pictures from their seminars.

Of course, at the end of it, there was another baptism - this time at the Oton beach close to the city.


Soon after this baptism, the students received their money for their seminars and off they went for their own experiences of seeing how the Lord would work through them.

 Praise God for what He's doing there in the Philippines! Thank you for your prayers and support!