Monday, June 18, 2012

Come to PAFCOE!

The first session (batch) of PAFCOE ended on June 5 with 23 graduates who were sent out into the Lord's vineyard!

Our family flew back to the US for a few weeks before returning to the Philippines next month.

Now we are taking applicants for the second session starting August 9, 2012 - it will go until December 11, 2012.

God is calling you to be a witness for Him wherever you go! A great way to be trained to be an effective witness is to come to PAFCOE and learn for yourself!

Our course is not limited to students just from the Philippines; it is open to anyone from around the world, from Africa to Nepal from Thailand to Indonesia or South Korea or anywhere else!  As long as you can speak English!

Below is what the President of the Southern-Asia Pacific Division said regarding the second session of PAFCOE.

We welcome you to come and participate in learning how to be a worker for the Lord wherever you go!

For more information, go to There you can find all the details for how to enroll and other things.

God bless! Keep working for the Lord!  :-)