Friday, October 18, 2013

The World’s Best Mom!

Do you feel your Mom is the best one in the world? I hope so! That’s definitely how my brother and I feel toward our dear Mother and just recently, she celebrated her birthday. God has truly blessed our family with the Mother we have and this is a tribute to her!

Not everyone has a special mother, who deeply cares,
One that is able to listen, give advice, and dry all tears.
Not everyone has a mother that's always there to give,
And who will sacrifice anything for her children to live.
Not everyone has mother that can be serious or laugh,
Or knows when to give insights for living and maybe a half!
Not everyone has a mother interested in every aspect,
Yet is willing to move past mistakes- forgive and reaccept.

Not everyone has a mother willing to give Godly advice,
Even if she knows she may have to repeat herself twice.
Not everyone has a mother that puts her children first,
Or will sit by their bed late at night for them to be nursed.
Not everyone has a mother whose main attribute is ‘selfless’
Willing to put aside personal wants to support the helpless.
Not everyone has a mother with a big heart for each other,
Even if the person she just met is not her actual blood brother.

Not every mother can be beautiful on the inside and out,
But this mother is, and is the most genuine without a doubt.
Not every mother can be non-judgmental yet thrifty with money,
Interested in what we enjoy with a sense of humor that's so funny.
Not every mother has a smile that’s contagious as her laughter,
Yet loves unconditionally with a love we all want to take after.
Not every mother is practical with a million talents plus more,
Yet will share each talent with anyone who comes to her door.

Not every mother has a child that loves in return,
And would do anything to see her with no concern.
Not every mother has a child that appreciates her,
But today, each of your kids wants you to look past the blur,
And rest assured that your kids, if they could go back in life-
Would not have a mother like you any other way.
Happy Birthday to one who always makes our day.

Happy Birthday, Mother dear! :)