Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Testimonies of Meeting Jesus!

PAFCOE is all about soul-winning, as you may have realized already! But the stories that come out of PAFCOE are not just from the students’ interests – some are from themselves! I would like to share with you a couple of the student’s inspiring testimonies. Here they are:

“It’s hard to describe my past life. Before I met Jesus, I did not have big problems. I just had a few of so small problems. My life was easy and simple. I played, went to school, ate and then went to sleep; as you can see, it was a life of ease. But deep inside me, something was lacking I didn’t have peace in my heart and felt like there was a longing for something that I could not get. I was somewhat happy, but my joy was not full.

“Because I was born into a Christian family, I heard about Jesus when I was still young. I was always positive about the message of Jesus, but I did not have a close relationship with Him. Then I began to contemplate the many times Jesus saved me from the brink of death – cord coiled in my mother’s womb, almost hit by a truck, could have been barbequed by electricity and others. These made me realize how much Jesus loves me and how much I need to come closer to Him; He saved my life! And as I studied my Bible and prayed more to Jesus, developing a relationship with Him, I saw more of my weaknesses, and saw that I needed Him more. Then I fully gave my life to Him.

“After giving my life to Jesus, I could describe it as like gold. I have peace, I have joy, I have contentment, that I never found until I gave my life to Jesus. But while this was like gold, this gold is still on the process of purifying. Of course there are a lot of problems, sometimes big sometimes small, but it never outgrows the peace that I have in Jesus. My life of ease is gone, but along with it, is my lack. Someone filled up all my longings, and gave me peace and joy that cannot be lost even amid problems and trials. I have a hard time describing how it is such a blessing to experience giving up my life to Jesus. You need to experience it yourself to understand what I am saying!”

Yes, friends, meeting Jesus is the best thing you could ever do! Keep reading for another inspiring testimony!

“I grew up with a devoted mother and non-Adventist father. I went to church not really knowing the reason why I worship God. I’m very shy especially when I’m exposed to people. For so many times I kept thinking the reason of my existence was because I didn’t understand the meaning of my life. And sad to say, I come to church very seldom and had no more interest of spiritual things. For some years in my life, I felt so empty and attain no real joy. I went astray to God yet I still felt His guiding Spirit.

“One day, my sister asked me a question that leads me to answer her directly. Do you still have a plan to come to Jesus? Would you like to come with me to church? The Lord touched my heart and He used someone as an instrument to me to come back to Him. I answer, “yes” and it’s actually what my heart had desired for so long. Jesus found me and led me back to Him at the time that my spirit was so down. I felt unworthy for Him but His love for me is truly great!

“As I contemplate God’s leading, I’m amazed how He prepared the roads I never expected to tread. Amazingly He opened the way for me to be part of His mission. His first calling was for me to experience “literature ministry.” When I was in high school, He also allowed me to serve Him through 1000 Missionary Ministry. Missionary endeavor has never been easy but I’ve learned that true service is not all about us, nor the people alone but it’s all about Jesus. God blessed me so much but most especially, I am grateful for the opportunity of being a laborer with Him. He also heard my prayers and it’s a joy to see people accepting Jesus, especially seeing my father and being with him in the church. Indeed I humbly praise Him for what He has done in my life!”

We have to meet Jesus ourselves before we can lead others to Him!