"To everyone who offers himself to the Lord for service, withholding nothing, is given power
for the attainment of measureless results."
for the attainment of measureless results."
-Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 30.
There really is no greater joy than to unite with our Redeemer in the work of soul saving. We recall how the seventy whom Jesus sent out “returned…with joy” (Luke 10:17, KJV). So are the PAFCOE students when they came back after their own Evangelistic Seminar (on-the-job training for one month). They were victoriously happy for they had been co-workers with Jesus and obtain great and precious experiences with Him. Moreover, all of heaven is most exultant.
When we work with the Lord He fills us with His own joy and we can become partakers with Christ of His glory. Truly, "God reserves His greatest gifts and miracles for soul-winners." We are excited to bring you tidings and rich joys of an abundant harvest prepared for His return.
The Master worker has powerfully blessed the persevering effort of our PAFCOE missionaries, your prayers, and support to advance the message. In this solemn time may we continue to work together "unitedly and untiringly with Christ in joyous anticipation of the finished task and the imminent glorious victory of God's remnant church."
We bring to you the testimony of the souls saved from the hopeless state of error.
May you be enthused and richly blessed as you read the success stories and be deeply moved to experience the same joy and want to join us in adding a star to Christ crown.
Dying Souls Risen to Life
(Adult Seminar)
(Adult Seminar)
Lita (in white) on May 9 accepted Jesus. |
Surigao- I am Lita, 65 years old. I have been a member of the Roman Catholic Church. My life before was but a nightmare to me. I was really inclined with the world. I was a drunkard, I enjoyed to spend my money for gambling, and I loved to flourish my body with Jewelries. I was a slave of my vices. I was so helpless until a great blessing came into my life.
I was invited by my friend, an Adventist, to come to a seminar that was on April 10 to May 9, 2015, in Parang Cantilan SDA Church. It was a Prophecy of Hope Seminar and I Attended one meeting. When I came there, I was so amazed with the presentation because it was so clear to me. Unlike the priest’s way of preaching, I really appreciated the truths being discussed and then I felt being not in the True Church as a Catholic. I also realized that my religion has no restrictions. Everything I heard was new to me and my soul have developed a deep interest of knowing more about God. So, I decided to continue attending the seminar.
I learned many things about God’s truth and I realized that salvation is by obedience through love. I then noticed that my life was changing. I left all my vices-gambling, drinking, and other bad habits when I knew that it was not pleasing to the Lord. Attending the seminar helped me to clearly understand God’s word. I even felt that the Lord had personally sent the evangelists just for me to know God more. The truths I have known brought to me a conviction to follow Jesus and decide for a Baptism.
Accepting Jesus as my Savior brought a new life to me. I am now glad and hopeful. I even want to share to my neighbors and family the joy of knowing God’s truth. I am very thankful to the Lord for revealing to me His great love through the Prophecies of Hope Seminar of PAFCOE. Without them being sent by the LORD, I will not be able to know the LORD”s plan and will for His people. I thank PAFCOE for being the LORD’s instrument in proclaiming God’s word to us. My prayer for PAFCOE is to continue the work that they have begun that more souls will be brought at the feet of Jesus. To God be the glory!
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Daniel with others completely gave their life to Jesus on May 9. |
My Father is one of the elders in our church and it is through him that I knew about the coming evangelistic seminar in our place. Excited of what will going to happen, I tried to attend at the start of the meeting. Then I were so amazed by the truths I learned. I have never heard about it before. Everything was new and refreshing to me. I was so interested that I continue attending every meeting. I learned many things such as The Seal of God, The Mark of the Beast, The Satan’s Trojan Horses. All made a great impact in my life that I realized that we really need to obey God. I then changed my life’s path and have a commitment to be prepared for every temptation that would come, especially that I had peers. I want to stand for the truth and be strong in faith to God. Now I love to listen to my parents.
Having the word of God in my mind, I want to cleanse my sins and have a new life with Jesus. So, I decided to follow Jesus in baptism and I want to grow in Christ. This time, I want to deal with my faith seriously. Now that I have a new life, I will do my best to share God’s love with other people.
The seminar is really a great blessing for me. I know that there are still young people, like me, out there who needs Christ in their life. Amazing Facts Ministry is God’s instrument that other people may know our Savior. Thank you very much! Deepest gratitude to our LORD!
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Aerial view of El Nido Palawan. |
I only accomplished second-year in highschool so I was just working at home, helping my family. I had a lot of chores at home that I even forgot my soul. I also took care of my grandchildren. I was doing many work such as selling fish and any work just to help my family. I knew that my soul is dying. I even felt one time to go back to the LORD but our church was destroyed because of natural disasters and from that time on, no one dared to visit our church and the members. Not only me, but almost all of the members died spiritually. Before, I had a dream that there was a light appearing from heaven and I heard a voice saying “Jesus Christ is coming again!” In my heart, I know that I need to go back to God but I do not know how. I was hoping for so long that someone will come in our place to visit and help us be revived and awakened in faith.
On day, a church member of Sibaltan came to my house and told me that there will be an evangelistic meeting in our place. I knew that this is the thing that I have been longing for so long. The evangelist invited me to come to their ‘Prophecies of Hope’ Seminar every night. So, I glad responded and attended the meetings as much as I am available.
Attending the seminar brought a life to my dying soul. I learned many things that it is so refreshing to me. The truth was so clear to me that it helped me change my life and go back at the feet of Jesus. Eventually, I stopped mentioning bad words to my children, I am now attending church every Sabbath, and many more changes in my life happened when I draw back to God.
I believe that God sent the evangelist to help me of my spiritual condition. So after the seminar meetings, I saw the opportunity to decide for a re-baptism because I really want to go back to my Father. Having a new life, I have now firmer and stronger reliance to our Lord. I want to serve Him. I will share to others specially to my family about the true church of the Lord. Above all, I will live the truths I learned and live with a character like Christ.
I really thank the Lord for the Prophecies of Hope Seminar, the Amazing Facts Ministry, and to the evangelists. It greatly helped us. Thank you for being a blessing!
iShare too, is a Great Means
to Direct People to Jesus
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Then, I was invited by my friend to join a Bible Study. I was even invited to attend their seminar “Prophecies of Hope”. I responded to their invitation that, unknowingly, would change my whole life for the better. As I attended the seminar, I was really blessed with the truths I have learned. All my questions were answered by the Bible. I was convicted with the truths revealed that It made a great impact in my life. I learn to trust God, I eventually felt confident and loved. I then decided to stop my vices; and be loving and patient to my children. Before, my children never respected me but now they already respect and obey my commands. I learn to be humble and have a positive outlook in life.
The moment when the truths were clearly presented, I have deeply understand everything. I then felt guilty with all my sins. I want to draw back to Jesus. I am like a lost child who found his way back home to His Father. Now, I want to have a deep relationship with God as my Father. So I decided to be baptized and have a new life.
Now, having a new life, I want to live life according to God’s will. I will live the truths I knew. To share the truth with others is my desire in order for them to experience also the joy and hope of being with Jesus and His second coming.
I praise the Lord for He provided missionaries. The Amazing Facts is such an effective ministry. I like the Storacle Lessons because it is based on the Bible. Praise the Lord! Thank God and thank you PAFCOE!
Carrying on, in Bringing Gems to Jesus
(Children's Program)
(Children's Program)
Masbate- I am Daryl Marquez, 13 years old, and I am a high school student. As a growing youth, I need my parents to guide me of my decisions. However, I did not have the privilege to be taken care of my parents because they separated when I was still very young. I was just left in my grandma’s house and my life was not easy, not being with my mother and father. Then, I grew very naughty making my life so alone and miserable. I was longing for a motherly and fatherly love and care. I was a Roman Catholic as my parents and grandmother were so, but I never had a deep knowledge about God.
One day, missionaries came to our place in Can-initon, Mandaon, Masbate. The evangelist invited me to attend the children’s program in Prophecies of Hope Seminar. So, I went to the children’s program and I enjoyed being there. The program was so nice that I kept on attending it. I have learned many things about God and His wonders. I learned how God love and died for us just to save us. I love to hear the stories about Jesus. Also, I learn new songs from the Bible. My favorite song is the 10 Commandments. The seminar really made a great impact in my life to be a good girl. My character was changed and I am afraid now to do naughty things. Also, I do not like to eat pork anymore.
When I heard the truth about the Bible and the True Church, I then decided to follow and accept Jesus through baptism. I want to see Jesus in heaven. Now that I have accepted Jesus as my Savior, I am going to apply the things I learned. Young as I am, I am happy to know the truth and I will share it to my family and friends.
Prophecies of Hope Seminar was very nice, a life-changing and a character building seminar. I hope this will happen again in our place. When I am old enough, I will join the Amazing Facts Ministry so that I will be trained also to be a God’s worker. I am very thankful to God that He sent the missionaries. Because of them, I knew Jesus. I am so blessed.
Friends, "When church members put forth earnest efforts...
they will live in the joy of the Lord and will meet with success.
-Testimonies, vol. 7, p. 30.
God is calling you!
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Join Batch 8 on August 6-December 9!
Join the Full-time (4 Months) Program and learn the 5 aspects of evangelism:
1. Public Evangelism
2. Personal Evangelism
3. Child Evangelism
4. Health Evangelism
5. Literature Evangelism
plus Bible Doctrines, Daniel and Revelation, and many more!
No time for Full-time?
Join iShare - PAFCOE's 12 Sunday program made for you!
iShare focuses on Personal Evangelism so you can start sharing God's word.
Online Application is now available!
Make sure you meet the following qualifications before you apply:
A. A baptized member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in regular attendance
B. In good standing in the local church and immediate community
C. At least 16 years old (mental & emotional maturity will be assessed)
D. With no known communicable disease
E. Competent English comprehension
Please make sure to click the appropriate link for the program you are applying in to.
1. Read the PAFCOE ADMISSION DETAILS & POLICY and complete the included AGREEMENT Form:
Fulltime: http://form.jotform.me/form/514952217...
2. Complete the PAFCOE Student Application Form:
Fulltime: http://form.jotform.me/form/514810626...
3. E-mail an attachment of a scanned copy of your Baptismal Certificate and Physical Examination Findings to pafcoeregistrar@gmail.com
*The Physical Examination Findings must NOT be older than 6 months. For Fulltime Program applicants, the physical examination must at least include CBC, Urinalysis, and X-ray. For iShare Program applicants, the physical examination must at least include an X-ray. Original copy of the Baptismal Certificate and Physical Examination Findings must be brought upon final registration process.
4. Let 3 different persons complete the the PAFCOE Applicant Reference Form. Make sure that your referee clicks the appropriate link:
Fulltime: http://form.jotform.me/form/515001056...
*References are to be filled out by individuals that are not related to you and have known you for at least a year. Ideally, due to the nature of the question on the reference form, it is best to find individuals that know you in a spiritual or academic setting, but this is not required. Reference suggestions include pastors, teachers, elders/deacons, chaplains, etc.
5. E-mail (pafcoeregistrar@gmail.com) or call ((+63)905-685-7774 / (+63)932-077-6063) the PAFCOE Registrar and make arrangements to pay your registration fee.
*Registration fee is Php 200 for local applicants and $25 for international applicants. Applications without registration fee will not be processed. Registration fee is non-refundable.
6. WAIT for a return communication from the PAFCOE Registrar to know whether your application is approved or declined - only applications with complete requirements will be processed
7. Reply to the registrar's return communication and follow the instructions given.
For more information, visit us:
Website: www.pafcoe.org
Blog: www.pafcoe.blogspot.com
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/pafcoe
You may e-mail us:
or Call us:
(+63) 905-685-7774
(+63) 932-077-6063